The Alabama Perinatal Quality Collaborative received the State Maternal Health Innovation and Data Capacity Program award (Health Resources and Services Administration, Maternal and Child Health Bureau) to establish the Alabama Maternal Health Task Force (AL-MHTF).
The purpose of the AL-MHTF is to develop a collective vision for maternal health improvement across the state and drive sustainable change. The AL-MHTF is made up of a diverse group of partners including representatives from government agencies, private and non-profit sectors, insurance providers, civic organizations, healthcare systems, universities, faith-based and community groups, families, patient advocates, and many more. The AL-MHTF members began work in 2023 to create a strategic plan which addresses the following key priority areas:
Grow and strengthen the maternal health workforce.
Provide tools and a platform for community voice and patient advocacy.
Improve patient access to continuous, high quality care.
Improve data collection and sharing.
Identify and grow the programs and policies that work to improve the health of Alabama moms.
There are a number of resources that are available to our hospital QI teams. For access to these resources, click the button below.
The ALPQC has 2 active initiatives, 2 initiatives in the sustainability phase, and 1 past project. We are also working on pilot project programs. For more information on our initiatives, click the button below to learn more.
Keep up with the latest news about the ALPQC. Click the link below to learn more.